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January 15, 2009


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Thanks so much :-)


Yay, thanks so much Laura! :)


Thank you! I had great fun and I'm glad it made you laugh too.


good choices, love Lupin's sampler, a very original idea, although I do tend to stick my fingers in my ears when anyone mentions the 'credit crunch'!!
hope you are feeling better :)

Angel Jem

I love that credit crunch hoop! I have to say in my most pessimistic moments I think we may be heading 'back to the thirties' in lifestyle... in which case all the crafters and online suppliers will be laughing up their sleeve at the newbies who can't sew or knit or mend things.... economies have to be made, but it's nicer to do it with Debbie Bliss and a copy of Sewing World!

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